Welcome to my Webpage ! Did I already said so ? Oh well. I hope you are not expecting a photo of me and my dog or me playing soccer (if only I could play well !). Then, what could you find in this page ? An account on why did I create these webpages and well, later, something about me.
I created this domain: ferhiga.com in order to join some of my webpages, mostly about music, and place them in one place. But since there was not a big theme to define them all, I called them ... with my name.
You may think that I am a big fan of groups such as Prefab Sprout and film composers such as Henry Mancini or Francis Lai. The truth is, I am, but the idea to create these webpages came up as a desire to learn how to use MS Frontpage because I was very interested to learn to use it, but reading some tutorials on the web I was very confused with the explanations, so I decided to create one webpage from the beginning, and even placing that website on a free server.
So my first webpage was about Prefab Sprout, called A Life of Surprises, the same title of a compilation record of the band, with an english and a spanish version. After tuning it a bit, I left it to see what happenned. And even though the goal of learning how to use that application was fulfilled, I was a bit dissapointed for having so few visits, so after a while, I forgot about it. And when that free server changed the payment plan and starting charging for the hosting (sounds familiar ?) I let the webpage dissapear.
Eventually, when I couldn't find a website about Henry Mancini that have all the information that I was looking for, I decided to create one of my own. Soon after, came a website about Francis Lai and another one about Frank DeVol. I stopped there, with the film composers for the time being. Then I translated some progressive music lyrics into spanish and gathering some interpretations from the members theirselves, the Líricas Progresivas website was born, then Enlaces de Ingenieria Eléctrica y Electrónica (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Links), information about concert recordings from The Moody Blues, and my biggest project of all, Sci-Fi Soundtracks or the spanish version: Bandas Sonoras Espaciales. Unfortunately, many months have passed by and haven't update those websites. I was trying to change the design of the website but haven't settled for one yet, and in the meantime there are many soundtracks waiting to be included in the list. Sorry for that. I hope to update them soon.
I hope you enjoy these webpages or at least find something interesting. I have other projects in mind, but first, I have to keep updating the ones I already have and then, we'll see. Until then
