the mist of a million years of energy three riders skimmed
the surface of the plain of
Tallowcross and raced towards a dream. Their
meeting point lying between the glades and
Gardens of Geda and the
high mountain masses, where fountains of light and colour
and soft winds of passion, openly existing through wisdom,
surrounded the three that silent eve, they sang together
through motions only ways, as all around them sparkled and
chorused in wonder.
OLIAS was to build the
ship the
Moorglade Mover
RANYART was to guide the
moments begotten light
QOQUAQ a leader, a
fashioner of peoples of Sunhillow.
Four tribes lived on Sunhillow and existed through music,
rhythms and tempos, each of the tribes attained a light of
their own through their songs to their stars, so their
energy, their souls, their time, their movements were all
accordant to the stars.
dark skinned streched beat
jangled lines of monotone
cascading ready light metal
weavers of body sound
The dance of Ranyart would start the call; with beams of
alternity directed to the skies. Bending the staff of
motions begotten light, he moved with grace within him and
charged the air to part and carry him towards the course of

had been busy, and having sang his song the metalic-like
trees with their golden leaves jingling like winter snow,
had motioned their strong roots to slowly dance out of
position towards Olias to create the frame of the Moorglade.
With spread-eagled wings and high masts with enough room for
all, it stood, near ready, it needed only to be strengthened
and covered and this was for the fish of the ocean the
'solar' to do. Olias reach out with voice and sound to ease
them from their play. As intertwined and inter moving parts
of the ocean rose into the air glistening in the quick wind,
they rushed expectantly towards the frame and crashed their
forms and clasped and died as all will: the Moorglade was
Hurtling through space amidst countless sister planets.
Sunhillow had held the tribes for as long as time would
allow; Qoquaq sat alone in the valley, at close points to
all, and sang of the mass lands to the East; as the sound
ascended and rang out of the valley, a distant form was
heard, deep rhythms awoke that spelt of a movement, as
slowly and surely Nagrunium awoke to the message of love and
haste. A deep throated drone from the East was heard as an
array of sound converged toward the valley.

could be seen glinting and chiming in the Western mist.
Qoquaq, translike, sang out the rhythms in one clear tone as
the singers of the North approached the scene. As they began
to mingle a strange discord arose; each tribe had not seen
of each other and were at once charged to counteract the
balance. Only seen through a veil of innocence, still the
movement was so strong all that could move, moved toward
Qoquaq, so great was his song. He then gently rose as if not
seen at all and guided them toward the ship the Moorglade
Mover. Olias sang out to Qoquaq as the tribes of sound, in
their transic state, appeared on the plain of Tallowcross.
His song of welcome was to bring them closer to the ship, as
they climbed on board the noise rang out within, rhythms
took over rhythm and became more and more intense so that
all in one movement the giant wings of the Moorglade began
to take to life.

she dragged herself along the plain, onto the ocean from
which point the ocean began to move underneath the feel of
the ship. The solar shell counter-reacting with the live
made sense of vision, and as the Moorglade began to race,
inventing speed, a great writhing tidal wave became and rose
high towards the stars, thrusting the Moorglade high into
space and to flight with giant sails beaming to the stars,
and as the ship travelled into space a thunderous crash was
heard in the distance as Sunhillow exploded into millions of
silent teardrops.
Inside the ship all had quietened and as Olias and Qoquaq
were in a unified trance piloting the ship and Ranyart in
deep space of position; the tribes were left to see for
themselves their own situation.

at once there was a hum of doubt which doubled to a noise
and shuffle of discontented tremours within.
Moon Ra, the
disorientation had shown its face, they cried and screamed
for mercy tearing at each others and their own feelings,
releasing only fear and pain. The sound was utter disharmony
of balance resounding to such a voiceless pitch and
counterpitch so that which rose from their surroundings was
awkward and sullen, their own fear had created a form from
deep within their own souls. All was bared before them.
The form rose and filled the inside walls of Moorglade so as
to split the walls around to such a force and strain as to
crash all into the vastness of space to be lost forever.
At this moment Olias awoke from his pilot position,
standing, his arms outstretched he held within him the
terror and cries of torment from the people, he sang chords
of love and life and caressed the form until it surrended.
The people now in a dazed light relaxed and slept underneath
a crystal blanket, each in a chrysalis state, as the
Moorglade journeyed on through space a song of love was
released and played among them.

had spelt out the path and danced a cascade of joy as the
ship stretched towards the earth, he began to sing a new
Song of Search as he soared over the hills. Clouds moved
along with the silent wind, as the silver chord of life
began, for as the Moorglade came to rest on the plains of
Asguard, one mind of
many thoughts emerged from within; one sound; one soul; one.
And so in parting Olias, Ranyart and Qoquaq climbed to the
highest mountain, lying down with eyes fixed to the stars,
only seeing the stars, they again became one with the
universe and drifted away towards the sun.